Thursday, January 20, 2011

Selling My Story

1. I'm from Montpelier, Vermont.

2. Over vacation I got the new iPhone 4. This isn't completely new to me since I was a previous owner of the iPhone 3. Before getting the new phone I was so excited to return home and have this new object to play with. However, I feel the media campaigns for it were hyped to the fullest since in realty, it's not that different. I did however happen to find something rather humorous about the phone. A popular YouTube series called "Will It Blend?" did a episode featuring the iPhone 4, and it generated publicity, asked for or not.

3. The thing I like and the thing I dont like are the same-how accessible everything in our culture is. On on hand, I believe this makes us able to have more knowledge about whatever topics appeal to us, but on the other hand I feel this makes us incredibly lazy. For example, if you asked me to cite a source by memory I would tell you I need to refer to something, and that something would be, if you asked my mom from a previous generation, she would have it down to the grammar.

4. If I knew my vision for the future, then I would let us all know right now. I'm a Mass Comm major, and my interest keeps changing. For now all I know is that the world is changing, and maybe I dont have to know yet because maybe the world doesn't even know yet.