In this case, everyone was destined to come out feeling let down because it's impossible for Obama to please everyone. He frustrates Democrats by always seeming to side with big business America instead of ordinary Americans, and he frustrates Republicans by being a Democrats and believing he does the complete opposite. Drew Weston discusses this further via CNN. Photo Credit
4-“The 2008 Obama presidential run may be the most slickly orchestrated marketing machine in history” (Streets, 60). I agree with this statement, Obama was everywhere. He was a well-marketed product but was marketed as a simple solution. The way he was marketed was sending the message that if you vote for him, then your problems will be solved, because he was marketed purely as a brand.
It's crazy to think about, that our president is seen more as a brand then as leader. It's crazy to think that this the place we are at in society, that we can relate more to a product then we can to a leader. Photo Credit.

3- Observation 3- “The essay contained four gloomy black-and-white photos of Senator Clinton, all full of foreboding shadows, and four photos of Obama in color. …The message could not have been more clear: Obama represented a colorful new and optimistic future; Hilary is harsh, dark, old, and depressing” (64). As Postman said previously, that image is truly everything. If you’re going to be looking at someone, you at lest want it to be someone that keeps your attention. The image is a powerful thing.
This also touches on production techniques, because the way they are showing these images has a biased meaning. If shows what opinion they the company holds. It's tricky to make journalism of any type unbiased with words, but with images that says something else, because every photo truly is worth a thousand words. Photo Credit.
2- “But the operative U.S. definition of ‘democracy’ is rather different from the dictionary meaning” (130). I find this to be true, I also believe that everyone has their own definition of the word. This falls under the tool sets in personal meaning, because everyone has their own meaning of this word, and everyone expects different things from it.
We all like to look at things in our own ways, but the problem with doing this is that we all derive our own meaning from situations, and then needless to say we are all let down to some extent. In our country, we all have our own opinions of what should be taking place and what is best, but our own voices aren't generally heard. Photo Credit.
1- “What is the idea of our moral superiority based on? Surely not our behavior toward people in other parts of the world” (132). We should be treating others the same way we want to be treated and seen in the world. From my travels, I have learned that no one really respects an American. A lot of this is due to what other countries see of us in the media, and they then hold this true of us once we travel, and these assumptions are what they go off of.
This fits in with individual meaning, perfectly. If we want the world to have a better opinion of us, then we need to be sending a better image. Electing Obama, someone who is seen as young, poised, and a positive image in the media, was also a ploy to establish better relations with those countries that aren't exactly fond of us. Photo Credit.
Standing by, per your email, Cait...
Dr. W
Excellent BRAND OBAMA blogging, Cait.
ReplyDeleteMy only big suggestion - give us sexy subtitles for your 10 different observations as we discussed in class, yes? Don't just number them.
Some rich content here - and a nice combo of Web 2.0 and power tools, as well.
See you next week...
Dr. W